Galatea is Open…We are Opening a New Brick & Mortar Store Feb.3rd 2024.. The Galatea To Go Van will still be in action as well.. with Consignment Galore & Special Sale Items as Well!
We are now Mobile in our Galatea To Go van & soon to be renovated Vintage
Airstream Trailer… The Trailer is getting closer to being ready
Cheryl is doing events and home visits also meet ups at many locations
throughout the area including the Galatea Warehouse and Her Home or Your Home. The Galatea to Go Van is regularly set up at Rebus Works & J’Betski’s new cafe
contact Cheryl for further updates and if you would like to purchase any items
featured on our social media as we update our online store to another selling platform
Shop Facebook Galatea Boutique & Instagram @galateatogo